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Home/Cameron Fulcher

About Cameron Fulcher

Cameron is a vision-oriented entrepreneur who wants to leave his mark on God’s kingdom. He attended the The University of Texas at Austin and graduated in 2013 with a BBA in Finance and a BA in Spanish. Since then, Cameron has dedicated his time, talents, and resources to the pursuit of excellence – individually and organizationally, and with aspirations to drive excellence nationally. He strongly believes that integrity and persistence are the cornerstones of excellence and has committed each day to doing what he says he’s going to do and never, ever giving up!

Business Showcase: Preferred Agency Network’s Enrollment Solution

We have enjoyed working with Preferred Agency Network in the development of their web application. We recently had the pleasure of working with Preferred Agency Network (Preferred) an Integra Insurance affiliate in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Preferred Agency offers insurance agency services that include health insurance enrollment for plans linked to the Affordable Care Act

Why You Should be Retargeting

Even though it's an extremely cost-effective and popular form of inbound marketing, many people are left scratching their heads when it comes to retargeting ad campaigns. Let's review what ad retargeting actually is and how the average marketer or small business owner can pull it off. What is Retargeting? Retargeting, aka remarketing, is an effective

Facebook Marketing Hacks – Get the Most ROI from Facebook Ads

Some marketers will swear that Facebook ad campaigns are dead and no longer worth your time or investment. These rumors are wrong. Dead wrong. According to KISSmetrics, Facebook is expected to generate $4 billion in revenue this year from advertising alone. Obviously people are getting results if they're spending this much on ads. Besides, the

The Science Behind Picking Social Media Platforms

Why social media marketing? It's a low-cost way to reach your target audience and expand brand awareness with the potential to greatly increase your ROI. Plus, 7 out of 10 consumers are more likely to use a local business if it has information available on a social media site (comScore Networks/TMP Directional Marketing). What social media chemistry is

By |September 4th, 2015|Categories: Social Media & Blogs|0 Comments